Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I caught you!

Sorry for the sudden break in posts, I suddenly fell ill with some sort of bug going around town. I feel better now, so I thought I should update while I felt good. ^_^

This caption is based on one of the earliest TG story's I can remember reading. It was apart of a site that eventually went from free, to pay, and then just dropped off the web.

I have no idea if there is any way to find the story, or the other caps and tales hosted at the site, but A few of them always stuck with me. I hope this one sticks with a few of you. ^_^


Ginger said...

That's a great cap Jennifer, cute succinct and to the point, and I love that she keeps interrupting her. It's perfect!

Caitlyn Masked said...

Very sexy. It gives just enough details to make it really squirm worthy. and I love the look of the boxes on top of the photo. Great cap Jennifer!

Unknown said...

very hot, enough details to show you just what the dynamic will be, but sparse enough so that your imagination is running wild with it.

Anonymous said...

I like the way being caught forces her into accelerating the progress she started on her own. Hope she gets on 'mones just enough to fill that A-cup out on her own.

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