<--this cap--Me--> |
Please forgive me for the lack of updates lately, things have been not so good around here and I haven't felt like making a post or many comments. But, the last couple of days I did manage to get a new caption done! Yay! Actually, a new series!
If your here at TG Caps of Defiance, then I'm going to assume you enjoy forced dark tales as much as I do. So I hope this caption touch's those dark naughty places of your minds. I know it did mine!
It's inspired (again) by Smitty's
Suckubus Series. It's not going to be for everyone out there, but it really gets to me. Most of the suckubus tales are fun reads with great characters. but the last 3 in his universe have rocked my sick world, So I recommend you give it a shot. If you liked my widow's web caption, you can get a taste of what the series is like and the possibility the universe provides for story telling.
I set out to make a more detailed introduction to the widow suckubus I had created in my single length caption. I put a lot into her character to try and set her apart from the other suckubi's that Smitty had already played around with. Each one had their own style and personalty, and even methods for how they hunted prey. even some that didn't so much as hunt, as they just fed when needed. If you have read the single length caption and the post that went with it, you know what your in for in this series. if not, I'll let the caption speak for it self.