Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Passion returns

Sorry for the lull in caps again, But I'll make sure to post at least one more before the end of the month.

I had a pretty good birthday, though it did mark the end of an era for me. It was the first time I didn't get a cap at the haven. Not surprising, I haven't been that active, but I did try to stay involved with some of the events they had.

OK, So how about we move on to the cap, shall we? ^_^ Oh, and thank you to all of those that wished me a happy birthday. Meant a lot. *hugs*


badside said...

Mmm, Jenn, I'm liking the theme here. Hope you decide to continue with this story. Hope you had a good turkey day and didn't eat too much, have to keep your gurly figure!


Jennifer said...

Thanks Freddi! I could see where I might could continue this story. But since it's based in a more realistic, (but ideal) situation, it couldn't too out there with it's plot. Might be fun to see where I could take something like this.

And I did have a good thanksgiving. ^_^ Had left overs for a while.. *giggle* Hope you did too! *hugs*

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