A New caption? Woo!
First, I would like to thank everyone that has supported me recently. Thank you to everyone that has stayed in touch, checked on me, and left a comment on my last post. It means so much to me and it has gone a long way to helping me turn things around.
OK, With that out of the way, I would like to introduce to everyone, my first cap in about a week and a half. Sure, that's not a long time, but it's also the first cap in a few months, that I've felt pretty good about.
A friend had offered me a caption request, to help me get my mind off of some other issues that were keeping me from getting into the right mindset for capping. It actually worked! They gave me the basic idea for the story and I took that and turned it around, giving it a fresh twist. I'll be discussing it past the break, for those of you that like that sort of thing.