Monday, August 30, 2010

I've got addicted to this new free to play MMPORG of Hero's of might and magic, SO I thought I would throw up the link here on my site. It's a fun little game that just takes a couple of minutes to set up commands, and then a few hours latter your troops are ready for more orders.

If you want to give it a try, or just help me out by clicking the link, (and joining up if you like) I would greatly appreciate it. ^_^

Here's a quick one I did for a friends birthday. she enjoys funny and cute stuff, so I tried my best to make something. ^_^

I did this for a friend and Didn't even realize it was similar to one she had done for me. Of course, I was trying to emulate her style. or at least the type of stories she Tell's.

It really can't. this would be just one of the scenarios I would set up in a TG VR program. ^_^ Maybe....

Friday, August 6, 2010

Bubble gum

There really is a bubble gum in Japan that says it will increase your bust size. anyone got a piece?

I need to make more guy's to hot geek girl caps.

Haven't done to many of these, but I'm not really sure why. I usually end up role playing a reluctant slut that has to throw her self into passion and pleasure just for a few moments of escape from the forced fem hell. "giggle"

Birthday heels

I love her heels! And of course the dress.. and her hair.. and her...

at your request

Made this a long while ago, And I still love the theme. It was for a great caption Author Lee Lee. ^_^ she loved it! yay!

I see we have some new followers on the blog. Welcome girls! ^_^
