Monday, March 21, 2011

Staring Role

And the last of my first 4 captions I ever made. I think this one was number 2 or 3.. I can't remember since I made them both back to back. But I remember why I made this one, I wanted to star in one of lee lee's Creme de Bite series. A series that had one shared theme.. cum!

And I have something from Form spring. ^_^

(I don't seem to be able to post comments on my own site, grrrr! Hey, I normally recoil in horror at women in shackles, but this caption is pretty sexy. I guess it's OK in my book to be a slave girl, as long as you are a bimbo! I'm glad to hear yo)

I'm sorry that you haven't been able to comment on your site, I'm guessing you couldn't comment on other people's blogs either.  Your reply was cut off, but i invite you to finish it in the comments section. that is, if you problem is fixed. I wish I knew which caption you were talking about, maybe I'll find out! ^_^


Stacy Wilderness said...

I was referring to the group caption
a couple days ago -obviously whatever
the problem was Blogger has corrected
it. Does it ever seem like everybody
on the planet gets to make out with
some guy except poor old Samantha -
it's so unfair!

Mistress Simone said...

Priceless expression in the pic. I think it's totally you in that reguard. I could picture you shocked at the moment you realize you're the girl of your dreams with the cock of your dreams in your face!

Jennifer said...

@ Samantha
I see, I had fun with that one. I normally do with group caps like that. it just never seems right to include some girls and then exclude others. but damn, that would be one crowded cap!

Also, your not the only one being left out on all the smooching fun with someone else. I have never kissed anyone in my life! Much less sex... >_> Maybe that's why I write such dirty stuff! *giggle*

@ Simone

Thank you Mistress! The picture did most of the work for me. That and lee lee's series. I just had fun slapping me into the middle of one. :D if only you could make those (wet) Dreams come true for me!

Anonymous said...

where did u get this pic? tell please

Jennifer said...


I'm sorry to say, but this is such an old caption that the site I got it from dosen't even exist any more. It was a site called Imagecash.

There is one site called Image fap and is very similar to image cash. I think it's from the same people too, but the problem is that both of the sites are user submitted gallery's. If it's on there, then someone would have had to re-upload the picture. I'm afraid to say, I do not have the picture anymore either. I don't even have the same PC I used to create the caption.

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